Ingenuity Maquette 2021 Header All Final'Prayerwheel' • Artist: Chris Kinzel • Ingenuity Festival 2019

John Walters

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John Walters
John Walters

Artist Information

Artwork Title
the intruders
Lives in
Artwork Description
The concept behind the intruders talks about an introduced species being dominant over our native species in the environment. My intentions are to create a small pack of dogs constructed from chicken wire, frolicking in the park, while several wallabies and koalas look on from the safety of the bush. The dogs will be doing dog things like sniffing each other and urination on trees etc. As I have found over the years of displaying this type of work the audience love to connect with the pieces ( patting and introducing their family , friends and animals to them) Due to the nature of the material (chicken wire) the pieces are light, ghostly and more like a three dimensional drawing than a solid sculpture.
Adding markers to the map ...